
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2454 )

( 2024 )


匹配条件: “ Shuhan Li” ,找到相关结果约155547条。
Pathfinder-Based Simulation and Optimization of Evacuation of Large Commercial Complexes  [PDF]
Jiuju Liu, Shuhan Li
Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research (JBCPR) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/jbcpr.2023.112002
Abstract: Large commercial complexes are large in scale, complex in function, and located in densely populated areas that are prone to casualties due to unfavorable evacuation. To comprehend the safety evacuation of large commercial complex buildings in China, investigate the safety evacuation problems encountered during the evacuation process and the evacuation optimization design strategy, the paper uses Pathfinder to build a simulation model based on literature research and study to simulate the evacuation of personnel in a large commercial complex in Dalian and explore its problems during the evacuation process. The results show that the type of personnel has an effect on the large commercial complex’s evacuation simulation results; the total number of evacuees is non-linearly correlated with the time change curve; some staircases take a long time to evacuate and have a low utilization rate. To improve evacuation efficiency, optimization suggestions for safety exits, evacuation stairs, and evacuation channels are made based on the results.
An Ecological Balanced Fertilization Model Based on Chemical and Microbial Compound Fertilization
Rongbiao Zhang,Ning Yang,Yuqi Zhao,Shuhan Li
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology , 2012,
Abstract: This study proposed an Ecological Balanced Fertilization Models (EBFM) based on microbial compound fertilizer. We selected nine evaluating factors as Minimum Data Set (MDS). This MDS includes nutrition and microorganisms. According to the composition of chemistry nutrients to soil, microbial fertilizer and the level of effective fertilizer nutrient supply, we use the EBFM of the specific crops to develop the ratio of various elements. Finally, the Weighted Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm (WFCA) is used to evaluate the soil nutrient spatial changes of proposed EBFM after fertilizer operations comprehensively. The experiment shows that by using the proposed EBFM three years the spatial differences of soil nutrient has become narrowed. The overall fertility of soil has been increased.
An Overview of NV Centers  [PDF]
Shuhan Guo
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (JAMP) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2023.1111231
Abstract: This paper is a literature review on the operating theory of NV centers and its applications. Extensive material online had been reviewed to provide a comprehensive explanation of NV centers in this literature review.
A Study on C-E Translation of Stone Export Contract from Functional Equivalence Perspective  [PDF]
Shuhan Ren
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2023.1112024
Abstract: With the optimization and upgrading of China’s foreign trade, studies on translation of import and export contracts have gradually deepened. However, such studies are not balanced in different fields. The translation of stone export contracts has not received much attention. Guided by the theory of functional equivalence, this study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter briefly explains the background, purpose and importance of the topic. The second chapter focuses on literature review, which is divided into three sections on the definition and the development and the application of the theory, respectively. The third chapter mainly discusses the lexical and syntactic features in the translation of stone contracts. Chapter four discusses the application of functional equivalence in English translation of stone contracts, including lexical equivalence, syntactic equivalence and stylistic pairs. The fifth chapter summarizes the findings. The conclusion of this paper shows that the proper application of functional equivalence in translation is conducive to the accuracy of translation and the transmission of business culture. In translation, the translator should objectively and accurately reproduce the articles in the targeted language. In addition, cultural differences are also an indispensable consideration in this process. This paper also puts forward some countermeasures to the problems existing in the said process. As stone export is a highly professional and complex field, translators need to analyze and deal with the actual situation in practice.
Recent Advances of Rare-Earth Ion Doped Luminescent Nanomaterials in Perovskite Solar Cells
Haifei Lu,Meiqing Ran,Shuhan Li,Wenhui Liu,Yingping Yang,Yu Qiao
- , 2018, DOI: 10.3390/nano8010043
Abstract: Organic-inorganic lead halide based perovskite solar cells have received broad interest due to their merits of low fabrication cost, a low temperature solution process, and high energy conversion efficiencies. Rare-earth (RE) ion doped nanomaterials can be used in perovskite solar cells to expand the range of absorption spectra and improve the stability due to its upconversion and downconversion effect. This article reviews recent progress in using RE-ion-doped nanomaterials in mesoporous electrodes, perovskite active layers, and as an external function layer of perovskite solar cells. Finally, we discuss the challenges facing the effective use of RE-ion-doped nanomaterials in perovskite solar cells and present some prospects for future research
Ag@SiO2 Core-shell Nanoparticles Embedded in a TiO2 Mesoporous Layer Substantially Improve the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells
Bao Wang,Haifei Lu,Mengwei Chen,Shuhan Li,Xiangyu Zhu,Yingping Yang
- , 2018, DOI: 10.3390/nano8090701
QuickBird image-based estimation of tree stand density using local maxima filtering method: A case study in a Beijing forest
Chaokui Li,Mohammed Abdelmanan Hassan,Qi Chen,Shuhan Wang,Xiaoli Zhang,Yanjun Wang,Zhiguang Tang
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208256
Overweight and Obesity Among Chinese College Students: An Exploration of Gender as Related to External Environmental Influences
Lu Li,Randall R. Cottrell,Shuhan Jiang,Sihui Peng,Tingzhong Yang
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/1557988317750990
Abstract: While many studies have examined factors associated with overweight and obesity among college students, no study has yet compared gender differences influencing overweight and obesity using a multilevel framework. The present study examines different influences on overweight and obesity between men and women at both individual and environmental levels. Participants were 11,673 college students identified through a multistage survey sampling process conducted in 50 Chinese universities. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 9.5% (95% CI [7.7, 11.3]) in the overall study sample, 13.9% (95% CI [11.5, 16.7]) in males and 6.1% (95% CI [4.1, 8.1]) in females, respectively. We found that higher family income, perceived life stress, home region GDP, and university city unemployment were associated with higher overweight and obesity levels in males, independent of other individual- and city-level covariates. However, unlike male students, only unemployment was associated with overweight and obesity among females. Our research indicates Chinese males are more susceptible to overweight and obesity, and are more easily influenced by external variants than Chinese females. This information should be considered in formulating gender-specific policies and designing and implementing effective interventions to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity among young adult male college students
Analysis of oral microorganism diversity in healthy individuals before and after chewing areca nuts using PCR-denatured gradient gel electrophoresis
Aixiang Hou,Huan Cheng,Ke Li,Shuhan Yi,Xiong Xiong,Yichen Guo,Youhua Ren,Zhongkun Wu,Ziwei Zhao,Zongjun Li
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.aninu.2018.07.001
Abstract: To analyze oral microbial diversity in the saliva of 8 healthy individuals before and after chewing areca nuts. Saliva samples were collected before chewing areca nuts, after chewing areca nuts for 5 min and after chewing areca nuts for 30 min. DNA was extracted, and microbial diversity was examined using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). When examining DGGE profiles collectively, the bands associated with Streptococcus and Veillonella were the most intense, making them the most prevalent bacteria. Furthermore, the band intensities did not decrease after chewing areca nuts for 5 or 30 min; thus, these bacteria were unaffected. However, when examining some individuals, the band intensities for Streptococcus and Veillonella became more intense after 5 min of chewing and then returned to the pre-chewing level. This difference may be attributed to the mechanical movements of the oral cavity or individual differences. Other bacteria, such as Neisseria, Actinomycetes, and Rothia dentocariosa, were also found to have an increased or decreased prevalence following areca nut-chewing. Since the predominant species that are present following areca nut-chewing include Streptococcus and Veillonella, it would seem likely that these bacteria play an important role in the periodontal diseases associated with areca chewing
MI + MI + CI: Could MI Theory, Multidisciplinary Instruction, and A Community of inquiry, Sum Up to Math Engagement?
Janice-Lynn Shuhan
Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis , 2006,
Abstract: This theoretical piece entertains the notion of increasing math class engagement through a combination of nontraditional frameworks. Research shows low student motivation and achievement in mathematics and the inability to transfer math concepts into real-life situations. Research also shows that that these deficits result from using traditional teaching methods. In this paper I propose a pedagogical blend of three existing and progressively popular frameworks: The process of teaching to Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences, as a means of maximizing student learning in mathematics, is a way for students to make meaningful connections and relationships. The process of relating and linking two or more disciplines to mathematics is a way to help students make meaningful connections to real-life situations. Thirdly, the process of enabling a cooperative learning environment, whereby group discourse is supported in a community of inquiry setting, is a way to help students build sociocultural and interpersonal relationships, as well as increase their engagement in the learning process. The letter in the word team stands fortogether everyone achieves more—John LounsburyThe purpose of this thought piece is to offer a theoretical argument that supports the relevance ofincorporating an interdisciplinary approach to teaching. By virtue of its integrated and comparativeformat, interdisciplinarity presents the potential foundation for developing our eight intelligences, andthe MI Theory provides an effective instructional framework for structuring interdisciplinary lessons.Another type of contemporary methodology that supports this marriage of the intelligences andinterdisciplinary education in its effort to develop critical thought is cooperative learning.The variable expression in the title of this paper represents a blend of these conceptual frameworksand their potential for facilitating math engagement in adolescents. My discussion focuses on the followingconceptual frameworks: Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (1983, 1991, 1993b, 1993c, 1997) as itrelates to the multidisciplinary model of teaching, and the Community of Inquiry model (Splitter & Sharp, 1995) as it relates to cooperative learning and Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD) in small group settings (1988). As a seasoned secondary mathematics teacher in an urban high school, I have become increasingly interested in teaching to the individual intelligences (or individual strengths) of my math students via interdisciplinary lesson formats and special student-designed projects. From my pe

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